Urinalysis – A diagnostic test


Urine dipstick testing is one of the most common forms of tests conducted in an Aboriginal medical service. It may be performed by a nurse, Aboriginal health practitioner, qualified Aboriginal health worker, midwife or doctor. It is a simple and affordable test that provides rapid results and is invaluable as a screening tool for all practitioners.

This module briefly outlines the indicators for a urine dipstick test and what tests are conducted when performing a urine dipstick. It provides a brief overview of the significance of the tests for the patient. The test is not without limitations, and the module briefly discusses some of the limitations associated with urine dipstick testing.

The module is aimed at all practitioners in an Aboriginal health service.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Outline the indications for a urine dipstick test.
  • Revise knowledge of the interpretation of results of a urine dipstick test.
  • Describe the limitations of urine dipstick testing.

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